
hf addendum

faith in things is stronger when we struggle with our understanding of them. i can't really committ unless i work through the blaspehemy.

hi fidelity

"It's what you like, not what you're like."

none of us stays the same.
who we are.
what we want.
how we act.

i have been insecure. i have been content. i have been outrageous. i have been angry. i have been happy. i have been distant. i have been cruel. i have been good. but i've never been all of them at the same time.

how i act, what i want from life, and how i navigate the world around me:
these things are always changing.

but i have always loved istening to music, reading a book in a day, eating great food, and being friends with people who are what they are.

my life will be with someone who likes what i like. not necessarily someone i always like.