it started well enough.
6 cups of coffee and an double fried egg sandwich. yums.
a smoke and my ipod on the way to school.
unloading books to my classroom.
going for a run...
my nine mile run is where it went south.
in mile #5, a 40? year old federal agent/jogger who works in the kefauver building across the street from my school scared the be-jezzus outta me on belmont boulevard.
fyi-NEVER schmooze up behind a runner wearing headphones. it is just cruel.
so, i pee a little on myself from fear... and his mouth is moving... and all i can think, is this guy serious? who really tries to fondle someone when she's wearing a sports bra, yellow shorts, and a grumpy-ass face? and isn't the ipod a dead, i don't chat while i run, give away?
i ran a half in april, and not even all 15 of the poeple i spoke to during my run accumulated as much talk time as this guy. and we all know how sweet and friendly i am to Y-chromosome we run together for a mile or so, until he becomes a bit frightened.
when departing, he actually stops my foreward movement and shakes my hand. GROSS. sweaty palms have only one place in my life, and it is not in my right hand.
so my run is tainted by this cat and the freaks in the camero who think that an utmost compliment involves auto horns and gyration. my middle finger is still a little stiff.
then, i work for a while with minute particles of drama.
then i go to tennis. which is normally a good time, but i can't serve anymore and the pro thinks that it is funny to make me run even more after i explain that i ran over 9 today. sick, my friend. sick. so then my ass cramps up and i can't go to yoga.
instead i go to the cheezecake factory with my roomie and her parents. do i even have to comment on the ccf??? didn't think so.
as well, her 'rents are staying with us, so i get to sleep with the roomie while she is wearing a CPAP mask.

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