
i wanna be lindsey lohan

some days i am an idiot.
usually the days that fall between thursdays and wednesdays.

so today was one of those days. i went shopping for sunglasses, and let me tell you- i have NO idea what to look for in sunglasses. the bug eyes overpower my TINY head. i look like the fly in the fly. sports ones are a bit too bullish- and anything with a logo on it stresses me out. soooo, i ended up with purple and orange vera wang sunglasses.

now- i know you're thinking to yourself, "i didn't know that vera wang made sunglasses." but she does. and they are 1960's reminiscent. i worship.

ohhhh wait- you were really wondering why i bought purple and orange sunglasses?
that's easy.
some days i'm an idiot.

in addition to this fashion nightmare, i bought a pair of pants that are WAY TOO SMALL. but they are so freaking hot. and i'm thinking i can lose 5 pounds (so then all of my other clothes will be too big) or i can wash them and pull,
and pull,
and pull,
until the ass stretches out.
because it needs to.
because i am not linsdey lohan.
but i wanna be.

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