
the friend pyramid

today, i tried to explain to someone the different types of friends in my life...

there are the party til 3 am and shop for prada bag friends, who are there for you when your boyfriend is a shithead (not that i have a boyfriend)

then, there are the drive you to the abortion clinic friends, who are there for you when you live your mistakes (not that i've had an abortion)

finally, there are the art gallery/indie rock friends, who are always willing to debate the existence of god with you after a bottle of spanish wine (not that i'm an atheist)

all of these friend types are necessary to sustaining health- somewhat like a balanced diet. we all need fat, protein, and sugar to survive. unfortunately, my friend diet has been a little less than balanced in the music city.

somebody call the USDA!!!
(on a side note- it is so wrong that the food pyramid is put out by the USDA and not the FDA. six grains a day. are you kidding me?? fat ass nation for sale)

one of my sugary friends is headed to nash. after a stint in boston and manhatten, my art history/MBA/museum development director amaza-friend is taking a position at the frist.

we're gonna have to find something else to debate after tearing through some rioja, because there is definitely a God.

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