
one flew over the cuckoos' nest

i am boycotting modern medicine.
unless i start bleeding out of my eyeballs or asshole.
then i may go back to a doctor.

but for now- I AM DONE.

it's not that i'm afraid of docs.
i just don't go- except when it really hurts.

and, since i have lived in nashville i have been to the doctor concerning
(am i really sharing this) yes- four things.

1) an earache requiring major decongestants and narcotics
2) a miscarriage requiring major therapy and corner crying
3) some tendonitis requiring a black boot and 21 aleve

and this week's excruciating back pain requiring NOTHING

okay- maybe i got some lortab, but only 10mg pills.
cheap. cheap.

what i wanted was a diagnosis. some grown up to say- gosh, you come to the doctor like never. like, when your ailment is real. let's see what's wrong.

what i did not want was- well, nothing showed up on your ultrasound (did you read the last post, intra-what?) would you like us to prescribe physical therapy?

um. no.
the only person who's gonna need physical therapy is you, nurse ratchet.
after i jump through the phone and beat your ass.
i can't.
my back hurts too much.

fuck doctors.
i may not even get my teeth cleaned this year.

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